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tv   The Cycle  MSNBC  September 25, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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it's now being tackled on the presidential field. >> i'm steve kerr naky. today we'll talk to a self-described peer progressive and says we can change washington and isre i get the whole world peace thing until it makes me late for work. it's tuesday, september 25th, and you're in the cycle. president obama takes the stage today. his 30 minute remarks focused the deft of ambassador chris stevens. >> in evy culture, those who love fedomheve m ask themselves how much they're willing to tolerate freedom for others. it's a crude and disgusting video, sparked outrage throughout the muslim rld.
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it's an insul not only to muslims but americans as well. ernope t justifiesre mindless violence. there are no words that excuse the killing of innocence. there's no video that justifies an attack on an embassy. there's no slander tt provides an excuse for pple to burn a restaurant in lebanonr destroy scho inun oft d and destruction in pakistan. >> the president also delivered some of his toughest talk yet againstiran's nuclear ambitions. iran'ssint mmoud ahmadinejad addressed the u.n. >> it's not a challenge that would be contained. it would threaten the elimination of israel, security of gulf nations and the stability of the gbal economy. the coalition of governments is ing iran untae. 's t united states will do what they must to prevent iran from obtaining a
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nuclear weapon. >> the president is taking an unconventional role in u.n. week, opting not to hold by lateral meetings. sil clinton's cking secretary calendar full of those meetings. meanwhile they're zeroing in where they called the recent events in the middle east bumps in the road i was pretty certain and contue to be pyer that there are going to be bumps in the road. >> iran is on the cusp of having a nuclear capability. we have tu malt in syria and also pakistan. i don't condehe bumps in the road. >> both men spoke at the clinton global initiative speaking out against forced labor and sex trafficking and romney laying out his plan for a pros pair
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path. lestarat tle so, steve, you have a theory for why foreign policy the talk of the town this week. >> well, because it's u.n. week. i mean that's the obvious. 'roi o on a limb here. >> i'm glad we built this up. i wouldn't be surprised if it's still something they're talking about after u.n. week and it strikes me that there's a lot of evidence, and even evidence from repuican polls that the ntrehe romney campaign that there are going to be swing voters, that economic frustration will ultimately lead them to say i won't ask questions. i want to turn to mitt romney, that too's just not working. the newest evidence today, republican polter david winston said 18% of his asked
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and 18% if they're better off than fou years ago. 77% whether they believe things will get better in the future. 48% say problems are caused by the past, 45% say the curnt economic policies are causing more problems. the romney campaign is basically losing. it's basicly a wash. kpta gin for other things and that's why we're hearing -- >> romney is ahead over veterans 20 percentage points. maybe they're seeing some kind of opening there to talk about war. >> republicans have long had a adagthra i would add something that steve said. a tough couple of weeks. they saw something. they could seize on and get a little bit of -- go on the offense a little bit, get their mojo back which i'm sure they seized on. i don't think theumps in the
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ie tsoi to get much traction for a couple of reasons. first of all when they hear that, it doesn't resonate with them as something that's really that off kilter. he wasn't talking about ambassador stevens' deh. e atin the middle enal aut east. the other thing is a gaffe or attack is effective when it's something they already feel. so mitt romney's comments about the 47%. they go straight to the eltorate thatss arrogant condescending pollute cra carat. while i think it's an attack that plays well to thebase, i don't think it's going to have much res nens in the middle. >> we'll see. way ount to bng o g amy parns in. she's a white house correspondent on the hill. amy, what did you hear today. >> well, we heard two different things today.
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he wants to take the long view and he wants patience. think that's something he wanted to express going forward in the middle east. >> and also i want to bring a quote to your attention. helene cooper and robert worth have a piece in "the new york times" tt examines the ids h w t arab spring. they write bold words and support for democratic aspirations are not enough to engender good will in this region, especially not when hampered by america's own national security terests. how much of what's actually sai at the u.n., amie, you know, changes foreign policy? >> i don't think it's going do so much. this election is about the economy. even though there was an emphasis on foreign policy, sooner or later you're going t see a shifthe obama is back in ohio, a key swing state. inkheens going
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to swing back to the economy. that's what most democratic strategists are saying. it's not over foreign policy. >> okay. well the hill's amie parnes. thanks so much for checking that out for us. back to the table, toe, y liedo the speech today as much as i did, a lot of tough talk on iran. >> of course. any politician, especially >> i can think of one person. >> a lot of serious and thoughtful people are advancing the idea that a nuclear iran is not necessarily the wor thing in the world. it is not a doomsday scenario largely because those people in iran, leang iran, are rationa thin. thde-me leader was on "60 minutes" two weeks ago and he called ahmadinejad rational thinkers. now, if anybody would want to
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think on it and say, they're not,here kooks, it would be mossad. if you think about india and north korea which is led by a koouk. mbs no necessarily the e worst thing. the likelihood of using it against israel, a large part of that is about domestic policies and looking good within iran. they know as soon as they press that button,srael is a nar power, america is a nuclear power. pressing the button, iran is wiped off the map. >> they're too rational for that. right. i think we heard a lot of tough ie se speech. extremism and as i think it's all fine and good
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but it's also a lot of blowing in the wind. i think what we need is to call for moderate islam to draw a clearer line, a red line against sort ofhe radical extremism abatns a t think weof these need conservative islam to say we are not going to tolerate killing in the name of our religion. you're because tardizing our faith and you're making us all look bad. i think if you rememr back to the crisis in the catholic church, no one accepdhat this w jus a ys a few bad priests abusing kids. we held the catholic church itself responsible. the pope -- we require thad the pope do something about this from the top down. i think we need to treat islam the meay. ua terrorism, just as no one is saying that the catholic church equals child abuse, but we need to hold people at the top responsible for the messages, for the actions, the things that are being done in
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the name of that religion. >> i think you're right. nvsati is also domestically celebrating moderate islam, reminding american people that the two are not equated. there has been a massive rise in anti-islam sentiment in the united states that is very diurbi. ing fact t w say there's moderate islam and peaceful islam is something we have to work on. >> you're totally right. they have to police emselves, islam. america needs to stop looking a isas enemy. it's a small part. >> i think we do agree. i think we're all pretty much grown-ups right now. most of us are not talking about the whole of islam, but the ole of isl needs to respond to this problem because this probm is being performed and tedut in their name
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incorrect incorrectly. and so i think until more moderate muslims and conservative leaders come forward a say, enough, y cannot do this in our name anymore, what we say is going to be a lot of tkingo oselv and eagheoi >>nd as the president said today, no one has suffered from terrorism more than the people in the middle east in the arab world. >> yeah. the onus is on us all. all right, we've got a lot more to get to this hour including replacement rage. will akef coversial calls culminating last night finally bring an end to the nfl lockout. spin cycle next. as president of our kintry anomnder che military i accept that people are going to call me awful things every day, and i will always defend their right to do so. le announcer ] born from the naturally sweet monk fruit, something this delicious could only come from nature. now from the maker of splenda sweeteners,
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for years contraception has been handed out but it's been made available to those as young as 14 and they can get it without their parents knowing. the programs called c.c. it's reignited the role in private sectors especially with teenagers so young but the city says it's got to do something to stem the rising tied of teen egnancy which often leaves or girls to drop out of scol. nely 7 g annually drop out before the age of 17.
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90% were unintended. more thereafter half lead to abortion. what happened here is kind of ahead of the kuvg at least nationally in terms of whe we are inublioo tse mas, i occurs to me thinking about this that maybe this is something we're going to be seeing outside of new york city i would guess fairly soon because i'm thinking back really less than 20 years ago when i was growing up and there was a bee dee bait goi on. there was a debatebout the a veilofdon t public high school. it was extremely controversial. i remember religious leaders in towns to rally zents against it and i believe the town school committee voted it down. i see the most recent polling data on it now is from 2009. nearly% o pple niona say, yes, condoms should be available in public schools. so i just see, you know, in less than two a decades where public opinion has moved on that. and i look at something like this and i say, yeah, it's going
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toet a lot of heat right but i bet you, you , a dede from now this is the next phase of that. >> yeah. one thing i would point out here is the change here is making it available in the schools. new york state already has access to contraception without pant rentrmison. this is making it more accessful. if you want to combat poverty, teen age pregnancy, this is the most effective way to do it. and i'll tell you two things. over the '90s there was a deine in teenage pregnancyn the uted states and aoo institute did it. a quarter of the decline was caused by an increase in abstinence, teenagers were having less sex but three quarters of the decline was caused by a decrease in the use of contraceptions and using more effective contracepte, s steaofdo they were using the longer term birth control and that made a big
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difference. the other thing here is ternationally even though we stheerch decline, the united states is still doing worse than most other countries in t developeworld in tms o teage pregnancies. as you can see on the chart, that is also because, number one, we're using less effective forms of birth control. that's like the primary reason. so providing access to birth control, providing the morning after pill, makingt rdily ssl, those are the best way to combat teen pregnancy and reduce poverty. >> do we make it available to teens who inevitably have sex and all mountainly do it witut ineifendeig families long before they're ready and forming families they're not ready to live or do we rivering ruining their lives? for me the answer is really clear. i want them to have the ability to experiment and protect themselves as they're experimentg rather than jus
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ye're goi t all y to have contraception and we hope that you don't have sex. >> i guess i'm just a prud. i really just wish we could spend more time talking about,000 reduce unwanted pregnancs before the fact and not after the fact, not the wha toboth. >> i think you can do both. >> we all twhanlt. >> we've put so much responsibility on teachers to address these issues of sex education and drugs and alcohol and tolerance and self-esteem tht gesheart chance to opt out and say it will be covered in school. i think parents should be having those discussions at home. >> shifting gears from that to public outcry. >> nfl officials made a cl was heard around the world. the touchdown counts and the seahawks get the win. do you need a refresher?
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let's go to the videotape. >> the packers play it at the goal line as wilson struggles to keep it eve. f play. wilson at the end zone which is fought for by tate with jennings simultaneous who has it. who do they give it to? touchdown! . one guy goes o touchdowhe ot said no time. >> obviously from the replay you can see that m.d. jennings catches the ball and golden tate the wide reiver tries to wrestling it away from him. capped off an embarrassing week r thnfl as important calls were seemingably blown left and right and we nearly had an injury. ogletreelipped on a hat that was inexplicay thrown on t
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field. rahm any team even adopted it as a campaign platform. >> i think the refs are working part time for the president in the oval office. unlike the seattle seahases st night we want to deserve this victory >> some clever -- >> there were some protests. >> there were protests outside of lambeau. as a packer fan i would be right there with them. governor scott walker tweed after catching a few hours of sleep, the packers game is still just as ful. #returnthere #returntherealrefs. >> let's deal with the union referees we want them back. he might have ten that down afr heon thad bu wted to make one point on this. there's outrage and this is completely justified and i totally agree let's get the regular referees back, but i tlink is a tendency to look back
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at the, you know, regular ref era of the nfl a bigone aera where they got everything right. >> nobody thinks that. body thinks that. >> you want to kw how bad it was before? in 1998 seattle swk a they're playing. the referee puts two hands up in the air, jets win the game. seahawks missed playoff by a game. cost him the job. it's the reason we got replays back wead the famous coin toss innt. the coach blew the heads/tail call. there's bill cowher. they get whistled for too many membership on the field. they had 11 players in the fiel e reffs n po o listen.
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i understand -- >> steve, steesve, you're blami the refs too much. >> i have a point. i have a point here. my point is, absolutely we should bring the rs back but let's not forget it's a regular feate of l w and week out that we complain about that. these refs are making regular refs look really, really good and profwegsal and i definely want them back. everybody wants them back. show his tweet tt he just sent out. let'get the nfs both sides of the aisle. hope the lockout settles soon. b.o. look. ththink we're not talking about here -- >> is that the packers should have wo no. ns whi i awesome, put up 12 points and when they put up 12 points over 60 minutes and they allow anything to happen -- >> bla the victim, toure.
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blamthe viim. >> he didn't win his home ate. he deserved it. >> we can't say it comes back to one play. >> on the road, on the road >> if they put the game away, then there would be no problem. so the packer -- the packer ns- ose- n the road in hostile -- >> the 49ers beat them from the first game. it's not looking good for them. >> it's getting ugly. >> like mackal jackson, look at the man in the mi. canays henl show we can take football and turn it back to al gore. >> the president delivering a major message for common humanity. but in our guest spot, a woman who's taken on a very sensitive issue and says there's a lot more work to be done. we're sitting on a bunch of shale gas.
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today, speaking of the clinton global inittive, the president de his sge statement to date on human trafficking. let's take a listen. >> right now there's a girl somewhere trapped in a brothel crying herself to sleep again and maybe daring to imagine that some day just maybe she might be treated not like aiece of prertyut aa hun beg. so our message today to them is to the millions around the rld, we see you. our fight against human trafficking is one of the great human rights causes of our time and the united states will ntinue to lead it i partnership wi you. ne o the anti-trafficking people in the audience is tracking sex trafficking
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specifically for underaged girls. sn the rise.that sexfficng this is traed on she was part of a coalition pressuring them to shut down the website. this week there's news on that front as well in the gst spot today here to bring u up tope on these developments, we welcome back to the show andrea powell. welcome back. tust'in. ou for having meac rita, this is a relatively new development. you're right. they parted way bus what we believe this is primarily a publicity stunt to distract the coalition efforts while bage anderw and increase the marketplace where
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they're enabled the buying and selling of girls that and you were actually in the audience when the president was speaking about trafficking. he invited you to be there. some of the things he talked about is theew z tolerance policy, zero tolerance policy in government contracting, proper training for police, judges, and educators, and money to help victims of trafficking. >>e cled it out ashe he human rights violation as it is. but to readvise the human rights protection act is huge and i hope he heeds that message. but there's certainly more to be done but his team has worked clg meeting with fair girls. this is incredible but there's a lot more work to be done. >> andrea, his message was powerful. anyo listening to it would
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agree. the amples cited are appalling. gues wheyoukthe atioe've hat on issues about women's issues and right this year in this campaign, why doesn't this one feature into that conversation as well? i really haven't heard much about it from obama today and from romney really. i can't thi of i as all. >> ihinkhi iki a t. i think we're going to be hearing a lot more from not only the president but key areas of the administration, and looking at this issue is one of the core human rights issues that this country is facing. i think one of the miscceptions we've had to date is it hpevehen other countries around the world. but the fact is the majority of the girls we serve and those are american citizens right here born and raised and this message from the president called that out and calling for a collaborative effort fro coalition effos as well administration. >> andrea, can you tell me about some of the ways girls are being
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pulled into slave lakery? >> absolutely. there's this misconception that girls are kidnapped off the streets or girls make bad choices but the key thing to keep in mind wheou thinking about trafficking, it's vulnerability. some of the most vulnerable are girls who are runaways, girls in the foster care system, living in extreme povg earth because of economic circumstances or abuse in the home. traf ekers know how to look for th vmsndhas why we have to continue to double up on our efforts and use the opportunity of the president speaking out today to go forward and make that clear message that no one, including a teenage girl, has the right to be sold like a commodity. >> andrea, wt inspired you to me an aid in it? >> when i was in college i tually witness a friend of mine being sold into sex trafficking by her parents and that stood with me over the
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years. anand wh i was 23 started my own non-profit not knowing what i was getting into but i'm honored every day to work alongsid survival advocates in our office. >> thank you so much, andrea, for your words a yrcoage. deepak chopra lands right here at this table. [ ross ] we are in the dades gorge,
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actually... thaway i could split my payments into little bite-size chunks. i mean you feel me right? ah. h, s.. lennouncer ] layaway's back. earlier than ever. through december 14th. walmart. my whole life, deepak chopra. strange. see, there's this odd pop cuure icon he's become. >> r. ch. r.chra. >> and then there's the truth or
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my version of it, of whom my dad really is. >> that's a clip from "decoding deepak," a documentary about spiritl ak. it's antt t swers deepak the dad. if he wasn't busy enough, deepak's out today with a new book called, "god:a story of revelation." with us now is deepak chopra. welcome. >> thanks foraving me. tels a t. what were you setting out to do here? >> the way i started the book is i came across a new york times article from the 1930s, and i was a meeting between the indian philosopher and einste. this is just when hitler was starting his psychosis for the collective mind. they met outside berlin in 1930, and they talked about why we're
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here, why is there a iver, he a consciousness behind the universe, is there a god, is there a soul, is there a death? i noticed nobody had picked up on this article from 1930. but is er igledit. i backtracked from einstein to job in the old testament and saw how our interfrom iation of god has evolved fro job to st. paul to socrates tshankara. so actually this is a brief history of god and to rumi. >> it's ieresting to me. for them a project in common is they try to look at the vario versions of god or prophetsnd haveom at s as wha they though you're trying to say in this book that those stories and our ideas of god have changed
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markedly over the years. >> well, listen. we now know that 70% of the university is dark universe, 73 i dark matter. that the university began 40 million years ago in something called the big bang. so some of those ideas are really mythologies. theyon't jive with wha we know about creatiot the moment, and yet trere rtngat in common, right from the beginning. there's a sense that's beyond the visible world, something that's beyond space and cau causi causality, something that's visible. there are the platonic values of gossutauty harmony, love, compassion, joy, equanimity which are essential in everyeligion and then there's the fear ofhe loss of death because there's the concept of the eternal existce of the ul.
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those thingidn' go away dt g away even with our modern understanding of cause mollg cause mogy. so i what i' done is track thad and said while religion in its strict interpretation might not be litally as true as we'd likeo believe , y t religious experience remains, whether it was jesus or st. paul or shankara or any of the great teachers of humanity. >> deepak, the story is cald "god." >> democrathe storyf reti." >> who is god. >> the story of evolution. and we would say he's the creator of space, time, energy, matter, cosmos, the author of everybod compsion, joy, and peace augment. that's what god is. if you want to be tech anything cal about it, god is the cosmic
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mind in which there's a naoto technology workshop that crees e nt l the e lill university from the window of modern science, the more it looks mind like than machine-like. the universe is not a physical machine. it works like your body works. your body has a hundr trillion cells which is more than the cells in the milkiway galaxy. er cell is tracking whatvery other cell is doing. how does a human body thing thoughts, play piano, make a baby all at the same time because yoiologilhy are a symphony of the universe and you dance to the music even though you can't name the tune. this is so mind-boggling that there's no physical ef explanation for it. there's a mind and it' onl
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nipny tanlt, on nish ant, on knee press ant and you can't change. >> one of the things that fascinates me in my generation there's been a decline in uracticed organization, ing to buil there's been more of a do it yourself phase. >> right. the questions don't go away. >> can you gel get the fulfillment without being part of an organized religion? li.i think that'she fute o it's going to be secular, universal, hold onto the truths of organized religion. organized rehis has always done a lot of good. we always looks at the bad things like the war but look at the humanitarianork of mr sa the dalai lama. he'll say he's not organized but he represents buhism. thing the future, especially in
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the global environmental we live in with social networks and media and people can watch u now anywher on t anet, they'll gradually go in the area of secular religion alt. they'll h onto and say how do av imyself. if you look at the moon and point at it, you worship the moon, not the finger. there's a direction to a all of this. it's happening by itself actually which is wonderful. >> the bk is"god:the story of revelations." sometime we can switch glasses, yes? >> i can get you better glasses than this. up next, proof we can still solve pblems big and all. you've just got to he faith.
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incremental progress is ahead of us. it's an honor to welcome a writ i admire, steve johnso authf ebooks. his newest is also brilliant, "future perfect: the case for progress in a network age." welcome, steven. thank you for having me asay think about it is to think of the history of the internet and e-mail and wikiped wikipedia. these arall things we rely on in all facets of society from the government to the private sector and yet they wer all es decentralized groups of people collaborating in an open way without any kind of ownership over their idea, without any patents, just an open netwo collaboration that's created all of these things we now depend on. you know, ife were havinhis convertion 40 yrs ago
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t's go be the open nonpropry tairt collaboration that's going to build things, you would have said go back to your commune in california, right? but, in fact, now we can point to these things and say they do rktheye changed t plat in ahe ita ways, what else can they do. >> one of the things that marks your work is optimism. you talk northbound this work, when youe a doom seayer, naysayer, ty look at you. onedhe title, this optimism. how do you as a writer and a thinker and as a person who's reserr rearching the world be on mystmis erngbad. verne says, o >> there's two things. the first is as you said progress often takes a form of slow and steady, right? so aviation safety, for instance.
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you're now more likely to get elected president the united states in your lifetime than you are to die in a plane cras t thatid c thh, you know, miraculous breakthrou breakthrough. it was just every year people were tweaking thesector, sometimes public sector. and it doesn't make newsith each small improment b whe you k p o0r years, you see a real break through. the other problem is it's also lots of people, it's not one individual genius. it's a network of people working on the proem and you can't just point to a steve jobs and say, here is our hero who sav the day. >>alk me about how ts woly politics. it sounds sort of like direct democracy. >> it really -- it echoes some of detective democracy, but i think the best example of where it's already starting to work is on the local level, on the neighborhood level. owve troblem in you my community, i'd like to
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propose solutions. sometimes using technology, sometimes just getting together. and building tools that enable people to kind of fix the problems that theyee right around them. 311 in new york eshis in autiful way. opleleeben a phone and report potholes and report a bar down the street that's making too much noise or ask for services from the city, and the city gets smarter and smarter at being able to solve all these problems in this incredible complex system of 8 million people crowded together in this small amount of space. >> b youalrg that there's sort of a model here to break gridlock in waington, the partisan polarization in congress? >> if you believe that the peer network is a great driver of positive socialhange in society, whe do you f on u' not a big -- necessarily a big fan of big government, and you're not just kind of a free market libertarian who believes the marketplace can solve everything, and so there isn't quite a slot for those of us who
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are peer progressives or d q ha rty.eer networks yet. i don't know if this means we need a peer party to go alongside the tea party, but i think there is a movement of people who are trying to solve problems this way, and we've got such great insrational success in the story of the internet to point to that i think it's a great time to be involved with this. >> i hear youheord oroundus wonder, the sort of theory in political science is that, you know, basically when you push people, you ask them are you a democrat or republican, you find out most people, there aren't that many independen, most people identify with one party or the other, a that each rty is reay a ntze network. it's not really a top down organization, it's activists, interest groups, fund-raisers, elected officials, governing professionals, strategists, all these different people in sort of a decentralized national network. it seems to me we already have sort of a network system i polics a it'lm reason for the gridlock we have in washington because the parties are moving so far apart. >> one of the big principles of
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the book is the value of diversity. if you have lots of different points of view or perspectives comingoear on a problem, the system will perform better over time. you will come up with more igin siond prm we have in politics right now that's a big part of gridlock is we don't have enough diversity in terms of the voting blocs because of jerry mandring and in terms of campaign finance where you have small percentage of the population that's funding the super pacs andhecampaigns. so that has narrowed the number of voices involved in the key decisions, and it's poll larized the political candidate. sgroo steven, real quick, did you also solve the great maple syrup capein thi? t's a great story. no new york city many years ago there was a strange thing that would happen where whole neighborhoods would be saturated with the smell of maple syrup. >> i rememr. it was uncanny.
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>> is xhesmells like breakfast i thst vaillage. because people were thrcalling to 311 they had all this data and they looked at the wther patterns and figured out it was rshere they turned out to make -- it was a nice smell though, it wasn't a bad smell. >> it was lovely. >> they were making fake maple syrup there every couple months. >> i did not know that there was u learn something new every day. >> my pleasure. hell hath not fury like an s.e. cupp stuck in traffic. my doctor told me calcium
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in the 10s an aspiring comedian took his wife to the theater. he asked the usher to escort her to her seat, there was a brief misunderstanding, and a famous joke was created. youngman went on to make a career on the onliner,ake my wife, please. dili r dangerfield carried the line in the second half of the century. i sat in a cab for 40 minutes to go a mile and a half to work. policears ling stretches of sidewalk to secure a wide perimeteforig w blocks away and the henne youngman line took on a particular resonance, take the u.n., please. full disclosure, it doesn't take much to get me ticked at the
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u.n. my disdain for the intertial peace promotinworl gning body knows few bounds. for one its rank imperialism. just look at the guys who conceived of it, guying like immanuel kant who wrote humanity exists in its greatest perfection in the white race. the first official u.s. propaganda department. these sound like the guys i want policing the world. the embarrassingly inept. it's never prevented a war. nuclear powers have only increased. sanctions go ignored, and leadership is an international laughingstock. then there are our interests, the u.n.'snti-american bs is usly second to its anti-israel bias, and we pay money for


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